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Date of Birth




Age at Rescue

16 Years Old

Rescue Location

Chiang Mai Elephant Show

Rescue Date

11th August 2021

Herd / Friends


Bunma and her four month old baby Chaba were rescued from an elephant riding and show camp. Here Bunma was forced to do elephant shows where she rode a bike, hula hooped, painted and gave rides. She was a part of the breeding program and gave birth to Chaba on May 17th around 9pm of 2021.

She was living in a small concert pin and she was on a short chain with Chaba. We learned of their poor living conditions, and bad health. We negotiated their rescue. On August 11th we rescued Bunma and Chaba.

Bunma refused to get onto the truck so we decided to walk mom and baby to Elephant Nature Park. After the thirty minute  walk they arrived at Elephant Nature Park to a special welcome home cake and have been slowly adjusting to the park. They are both doing well.

Please scroll through their history and consider sponsoring Bunma

Embrace the Tranquility and Sanctuary of Elephant Nature Park
Embrace the Tranquility and Sanctuary of Elephant Nature Park

Embrace the Tranquility and Sanctuary of Elephant Nature Park, as BunMa together with her precious trio: PyiMai, Chaba, and LekLek, freely roam Elephant Nature Park, where they express their authentic selves. Truly a sight to behold.

An enrichment brings out the playful nature of elephants
An enrichment brings out the playful natures of elephants

Even amidst the busyness of motherhood, BunMa knows the importance of taking time to play and enjoy herself!

Have you ever wondered what bliss looks like?
Have you ever wondered what bliss looks like?

Today we witness a very touching scene at the mud mound, as Bunma repeatedly rolls her body over the now compacted mud mound and rubbing her body against the mineral rich earth.

Flashback Friday – Celebrating the 2nd Anniversary of Bunma and her baby Chaba arrival at Elephant Nature Park
Flashback Friday - Celebrating the 2nd Anniversary of Bunma and her baby Chaba arrival at Elephant Nature Park

Today we celebrated the 2 year anniversary of Mother Bunma and baby Chaba to be with us in the Park ! What a joy it has been ❤️ to be graced with their presence. Noelle, your love for the Giants and your care for them has touched many lives.

Sleepy baby elephants at Elephant Nature Park
Sleepy baby elephants at Elephant Nature Park Sanctuary in Chiang Mai

While Chaba is sleepily nursing from her mother Bunma, PyiMai finds a small log buried in a recently delivered fresh sand pile. Always curious, she tugs and pushes at it and her nanny, DMax comes to help. But sleepy eyed PyiMai had already lost interest, both youngsters due for a…
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Five rescued elephants enjoy a mud party at Elephant Nature Park in the rainy season
Five rescued elephants enjoy a mud party at Elephant Nature Park in the rainy season

A rainy day in the monsoon season satisfies everyone at Elephant Nature Park. The weather is warm and it's a mud party ! Check out Pyi Mai and Chaba, and their mother's, Kamun and Bunma, together with nanny Dmax. Mud is their happy place. And afterwards, they like a good…
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Bunma and her baby Chaba play in a dry mudpit at Elephant Nature Park
Bunma and her baby Chaba play in a dry mudpit at Elephant Nature Park

It was a cloudy day and rain was imminent - the scent of rain was on the wind - but Bunma could not wait. The mudpit may have been dry, but that did not dissuade her. She rolled about in the dry dirt with abandon, teaching her young child, Chaba,…
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Elephant of the Week: Bunma
Elephant of the Week Bunma

On August 10th, 2021, Bunma and her baby girl, Chaba, walked over a mountain to their freedom at Elephant Nature Park. You can read more about the heart wrenching decisions and timely actions of Save Elephant Foundation to rescue Bunma with her little baby Chaba in her life story page.

When the chains came off Bunma – A celebration of Freedom
Celebrating the rescue of Bunma and her baby chaba august 2021

A year ago this week, mother Bunma along with her tiny baby Chaba were rescued by Save Elephant Foundation and freed from captivity to spend the rest of their lives in the sanctuary of Elephant Nature Park. This video reflects back on the awful circumstances of their life before their…
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Bunma is finally able to provide milk for her baby Chaba
Bunma is finally able to provide milk for her baby Chaba

With love, food supplements, delicious veggies and fruits, mama BunMa finally has a milk for nursing her baby Chaba after only one day of their arrival. Both of them are more relaxed and learning about the beautiful life they are starting at Elephant Nature Park. We hope the mother will…
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Rescued Elephants Bunma and Baby Chaba enjoy Mothers Day Cake
Rescued Elephants Bunma and Baby Chaba enjoy Mothers Day Cake

On August 12th, 2021 (which is Thai Mother's day and World Elephant Day), the mother and baby enjoyed their first day of the new life at ENP. They are home now. They will no longer be chained. The baby is underweight, and the mother did not have enough milk for…
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Emergency Rescue Bunma and Baby Chaba are on their way to Elephant Nature Park
Emergency Rescue Bunma and Baby Chaba are on their way to Elephant Nature Park

Gratefully, with the kind support from Noelle Weiss, we are able to rescue baby Cha Ba and her mother, Bunma to live with freedom at Elephant Nature Park. Our team made the rescue plan as fast as possible to prepare the night shelter for baby and mother. We asked Mae…
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Bunma and her baby Chaba need to be rescued
Bunma and Baby Chaba need to be rescued to Elephant Nature Park

Today Lek was contacted by an Elephant camp owner to help rescue a mother and baby, bringing them under the care of our organization. The camp owner has been ill for almost one year, and during this time he had to leave the camp and his elephants under the care…
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Some Elephants are able to be sponsored via Spotfund.

You might wish to consider Sponsoring an Elephant via Save Elephant Foundation using a Shopping Cart with PayPal.

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