Warmest congratulations on the birth of a beautiful baby elephant at Karen Elephant Serenity project
On 16th March 2019, Mae Kham Suk gave birth in the morning to a beautiful healthy baby girl named “Heng Heng”, which means “Good Luck”. This is a truly happy event as this girl born at the Saddle Off project. She is such a lucky girl she will not be taken away from her mother.
Karen Elephant Serenity is a home to a small herd of elephants, they joined the ‘Saddle Off’ project in February 2018. There are Mae Kham Suk – a 40 year female, Som Wang – a 32 year old male both are the mother and father of baby Heng Heng. Another female elephant is Kham Noy – a 35 year old who is gladly to be a nanny of this newborn calf, helping Mae Kham Suk to take care and comfort the baby.
Both mother and baby are doing really well. Mae Kham Suk is naturally very protective of her new born baby and doesn’t let her out of her sight. The newborn will be fed with only mother’s milk at this time but soon she will learn from mom and nanny to eat some other plants.
The birth of the sweet baby brought so much happiness to the family at Karen Elephant Serenity. We will try the best to provide the better life for elephants.