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Kanjana and FahMui were delighted to see FaaMai come to join with their afternoon swim

Kanjana and FahMui were delighted to see FaaMai come to join with their afternoon swim, but FaaMai brought 2 companions, ThongAe and MuayLek. Kanjana is very protective of her old friend FahMui, and so she gave the new little girl whom she hadn’t met before, a thorough investigation. MuayLek stayed as close to FaaMai as she possibly could.

Excitement stirred as MaeMai and WanMai were leaving the river after a family swim.

FaaMai was there to greet them, and WanMai was overwhelmed.

They hadn’t seen each other in quite a while, and the youngster expressed her happiness, which spilled over into the lives of all present, and the whole escapade went on for more than 20 minutes, chattering and twirping, ear flaps and trunk slaps, deep roars and contented rumbles.

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