Elephants and rivers belong together
Mae Mai The Dislocated Knee Elephant Get Much Stronger To Play Readily With Log
In the time that has passed since her rescue, we have witnessed remarkable progress in MaeMai’s demeanor and recovery. She is much healthier and walks every 2nd day to play in the water, roll in the mudpit and scratch on every post that she can. Her strength is impressive, able to play readily with a log in the river that probably weighs 400 pounds at Elephant Nature Park. She is an inspiration to all of us who love her
Elephant Rushed From The Jungle To The River To Have A Conversation
After an enjoyable time in the jungle, something alarmed these 5 beautiful friends, and they rushed to the river to discuss the matter thoroughly. After a prolonged discussion, everything seemed OK again, and they resumed with their calm and peaceable nature at Elephant Nature Park
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