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Elephant Of The Week : Saree

Elephant Of The Week : Saree

Saree can be translated to mean “Freedom”. She was born around 2006. Saree was taken from her mother when she was only one year old and she was forced to be a street begging elephant. Imagine, how do you feel when you was dragged away from your mother and you will never see her again. This is such a huge distress.

Elephant Of The Week: Jaidee, the generous old lady

Elephant Of The Week: Jaidee, the generous old lady

With a name that means ‘good heart,’ Jaidee lives up to it. She has a very sweet manner about her, regardless of her long and torturous past. She arrived to Elephant Nature Park in January of 2015 and enjoys her days in the jungle, away from the crowds. Thank you to Mr.Adam Flinn, Elephant Nature Park Co-founder for donating funds in memory of his late Mother and enabling the rescue of Jaidee and a new life to live in her forever home at Elephant Nature Park.

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